Removals and logistics Kehrli + Oeler AG


Protecting removal goods from going up in smoke

Kehrli + Oeler AG from Bern is one of Switzerland’s largest and most renowned removals and logistics companies. The business transactions at the family-owned company are controlled from the headquarters in Bern. Securiton and Contrafeu were assigned the task of protecting this building from the outbreak of fire.

Protecting removal goods from going up in smoke

The existing full-protection sprinkler system was given a professional overhaul and is now controlled by a SecuriFire fire detection and fire alarm system from Securiton.
With its main headquarters in Bern and branch in Zurich-Kloten, Kehrli + Oeler AG remains fully owned by the Oeler family, who founded the company back in 1904. From humble beginnings as a removals company, Kehrli + Oeler AG is now one of the leaders in the Swiss removals and logistics branch. From individual services right up to complete solutions, the company deals with the full range of products in the field. The company is a contact partner for private and commercial removals at home and around the world, together with logistics services for warehouses and archives. A completely new high-rise container storage facility in Kerzers is now used by Kehrli + Oeler AG as a logistics hub.

Top-class fire protection

At the start of 2014, the fire protection system at company headquarters at Weyermannstrasse 10 in Bern was brought up to the latest standards. A sprinkler system ensures full protection across the whole building. As required by law, the ageing system received a full overhaul that is now valid for the next 20 years. In doing so, three alarm valves and a total of 2000 sprinkler nozzles were replaced. The entire sprinkler system is now controlled by the redundant, modular SecuriFire fire alarm system – a new fire detection and fire alarm system installed by Securiton. Additionally, the stairwells and riser zones were also equipped with new manual call points and multi-sensor smoke and heat detectors from Securiton. As the alarm transmission would otherwise not be heard clearly in all areas during normal operation, the system was also equipped with additional sirens.


Paul Leimgruber AG logistics centre | (150 KB)
Reference report
Removals and logistics Kehrli + Oeler AG | (160 KB)
Reference report


Securiton AG
Alarm and Security Systems

Head Office
Alpenstrasse 20
CH-3052 Zollikofen


Site plan

+41 58 910 50 50