New SBB line near Geneva


Securiton protects Europe's busiest cross-border suburban railway line

One of Geneva's long-cherished dreams became reality in December 2019: commuters on the new railway link between the city and neighbouring Annemasse in France find it quick and easy to use. Served by new underground stations, it consists of a new eight-kilometre underground line running through densely populated areas. Securiton equipped the five Swiss railway stations with video monitoring and fire alarm systems.

In a bid to provide a step change in terms of public transport provision in the region around the Lake Geneva basin, the Swiss Federal Railways launched the Léman Express in partnership with France's state-owned rail operator SNCF. Destined to become Europe's busiest cross-border suburban rail service, it's expected to bring about an enduring change in the way people move about the Lake Geneva region. The CEVA section forms the backbone and main line of the Léman Express. Built partly on a repurposed freight route, it closes the network gap between the districts of La Praille and Eaux-Vives. Although all that was missing was eight kilometres of track, the line had to be built through densely built-up districts, over the river Arve and beneath Champel hill. Eventually, more than 240,000 people will work and live within 500 m of CEVA stations, which means they'll benefit from access to local and regional transport services. As much as possible has been done to mitigate noise pollution, such as running the line, complete with stations, underground.

Securiton protects major civil engineering project

With journey times between Geneva and Annemasse cut from 30 to 17 minutes, the line links regions that have long been close to each other – despite the border. Securiton has made an important contribution to this historic line's safety and security by supplying and fitting 115 CCTV cameras for the five new Swiss stations and 13 emergency exits. Securiton's Geneva office fulfilled this order and hooked the cameras up to the Swiss Federal Railways' LAN. This computer network transmits the images to the railway company's IPS video management system provided by Securiton's Bern office. In terms of fire protection, Securiton's Geneva office equipped the five stations with state-of-the-art fire detection and alarm technology in the shape of the SecuriFire 3010, a system that's easy to operate, extremely secure and flexible, meaning that not a second is lost in the event of an incident. The system comprises 750 SecuriStar MCD 573X and MCD 573X-S (with acoustic alarm) multi-sensor smoke and heat detectors for the early-stage detection of any form of fire. This high-tech early warning fire detection system is supplemented by SecuriBeam BSD 535 and SecuriBeam ILIA line-type smoke detectors, both of which are particularly well suited to large station concourses. A SecuriSens LIST sensor cable provides additional protection in a technical facility. All in all, an end-to-end safety and security package from Securiton that keeps Geneva's latest railway project safe and secure.


New SBB line near Geneva | (2 MB)
Reference report
Bike park Basel | (163 KB)
Reference report


Securiton AG
Alarm and Security Systems

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CH-3052 Zollikofen


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+41 58 910 50 50