Mobile object protection at the Inselspital


Mobile object protection at the Inselspital proves its worth

Security for temporary applications such as construction sites is just as important as for permanent facilities. The requirements placed on mobile security systems are becoming ever more diverse and call for the perfect interplay of man and technology. The construction of a new main building for the Inselspital (University Hospital of Bern) provided the perfect setting for Securiton AG and its Mobile Object Protection (MOS) team to demonstrate how best to deploy a customised monitoring system.

Construction sites have traditionally been a magnet for trespassers and thieves. High-value tools and materials are readily accessible – which is not something the client or contractor were able to do much about. Fences and barriers helped, but were no deterrent to a determined intruder. Nowadays, the situation is quite different. More and more legal requirements affecting security on construction sites have been placed on all those involved. At the same time, clients and contractors are putting increased emphasis on safeguarding against theft and vandalism as well as on structuring work environments on construction sites. In addition, it is the responsibility of contractors to satisfy the requirements of the Confederation’s Posted Workers Act and ensure that all aspects of undeclared work and compliance are scrupulously observed. Securiton AG’s answer to these issues comes in the form of two mobile security solutions, SecuriSiteTec Access and SecuriSiteTec Video, which ensure a controlled environment. The company showcased the versatility of these security solutions on the major Inselspital construction site in Bern. It was in 2017 that work on a new main building began in the middle of the hospital site, which remained up and running throughout the period of construction.

Mobile access control

SecuriSiteTec Access is a mobile monitoring system for identity, entry and access control on specific premises. This security solution automatically denied entry to persons who were not authorised to access the construction site. It comprised containers equipped with access control systems, containers housing specially equipped logistics facilities/offices for monitoring access and exit routes, plus free-standing turnstiles with access readers. Securiton’s DISPO tool was located in one of the containers: used by all the construction site suppliers, it facilitated their delivery scheduling to prevent bottlenecks or queuing at the site entrance.

Mobile video surveillance

SecuriSiteTec Video used state-of-the-art CCTV to keep a round-the-clock eye on the site. Undesirable visitors were deterred or detected by the system’s intelligent monitoring features. Rounding off Securiton’s involvement at the University Hospital was a fully equipped firstaid container used for treating minor injuries suffered by construction workers, without this affecting the operation of the surrounding hospital.


Securiton AG
Alarm and Security Systems

Head Office
Alpenstrasse 20
CH-3052 Zollikofen


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+41 58 910 50 50