Safety for landslide area


Safety for landslide area

At the end of August 2023, a landslide occurred in the afternoon above the Glarus municipality of Schwanden, which subsequently buried part of the village. Fortunately, no one was injured, but several houses were buried and further landslides forced the authorities to declare large parts of the village a restricted area. Since then, Securiton AG and Securitas AG have been responsible for the security of the village - in a close interplay between people and technology.

On 29 August 2023 at around 5.05 pm, a landslide occurred in Schwanden in the canton of Glarus, which extended over a length of 400 metres. Several buildings were damaged and at around 7.30 p.m. further masses of earth slid down, ultimately damaging, burying or completely destroying several houses. In the days and weeks that followed, the landslide area remained unstable and posed a major threat to the population and infrastructure.

Securiton and Securitas in harmony

In the first hours and days after the landslide, the fire brigade, paramedics, civil defence and the Glarus cantonal police were deployed. When it became clear that large parts of the village could not be entered for a longer period of time, Securiton AG and Securitas AG were commissioned to carry out extensive monitoring of the exclusion zone. Since then, Securitas employees have primarily been responsible for guarding the area and controlling access on site in order to prevent onlookers and criminals from entering. On the other hand, they are on duty to allow residents of the affected areas access to their homes within specified time windows and to monitor them.

In order to keep a constant eye on the extensive area, mobile video surveillance has been set up on site, from which the entire restricted area is monitored. SecuriSiteTec towers from Securiton are used here. The seven mobile video towers keep an eye on the restricted and evacuated area and thus offer round-the-clock protection against unauthorised access. The images are transmitted live to the Securitas operations centre in Lucerne and processed accordingly using the installed Securiton video manager software. Incoming alarms are processed by Securitas staff in the operations centre and, if necessary, announcements can be made via the installed loudspeakers and unauthorised intruders deterred. If this does not help either, the Securitas alarm centre initiates an intervention. The authorised persons and emergency services have access to the LiveView of the cameras. The main difference between Securiton AG's video towers and alternative products is that all data and video streams are processed and hosted exclusively in Switzerland.


Securiton AG
Alarm and Security Systems

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Alpenstrasse 20
CH-3052 Zollikofen


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+41 58 910 50 50