Geneva music college


Geneva music college relies on Securiton

The public sector adult education college of music, dance and theatre in Geneva relocated at the end of 2012. Over a period of two years the grand old building was completely revamped, but without prejudicing the historic character of the premises. A fire alarm system from Securiton now protects the building against fire and smoke.

Geneva music college CPMDT

The Conservatoire Populaire de Musique, Danse et Théâtre (CPMDT) is a well-known cantonal institution in Geneva. It offers all age groups the opportunity to complete tailor-made courses in the arts and music. With a teaching body of 200 teachers and more than 4,000 students the CPMDT is among the largest music schools in the Canton. And with up to 500 events, concerts and performances a year the CPMDT is also one of the largest concert organisers in Geneva.

Sensitive refurbishment

The new premises consist of a historical building worthy of preservation in the centrally located district of Les Tranchées. On five storeys and three basement levels it comprises the training and teaching facilities as well as a concert hall with 160 seats, a fully equipped recording studio, and office space for the school’s management and the secretariat.
The building looks back on an eventful history. Originally built in the middle of the 19th century, the building was taken over by Anita Oser in 1968 and converted into a fine arts centre and a place of encounter. The Canton soon showed interest in the building. In late 2012, in time for the 80th anniversary of Geneva’s adult education college of music, dance and theatre, it revamped the entire building in such a way that its original appearance remained unchanged even though, inside, it underwent a complete renovation.

Innovative fire protection from Securiton

With the SecuriFire fire alarm system from Securiton the management opted for a comforting sense of safety and security featuring state-of-the-art technology. Just under 100 combined smoke and heat detectors of the type SecuriStar MCD 573X provide early detection of smouldering, glowing and open fires as well as fires without smoke development. Numerous manual call points have been installed so fire alarms can also be triggered manually. Two modern indication and control maps with colour display and the practical SecuriWheel device make for a simple operation of the system. With SecuriFire the Geneva adult education college of music, dance and theatre now boasts an ultra-modern fire alarm system that complies with complex and stringent fire protection requirements.


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Securiton AG
Alarm and Security Systems

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