École hôtelière de Lausanne


Hospitality management school in Lausanne relies on Securiton

After several years of construction, the new campus at the prestigious École hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL) will open in 2021. Safe operation is ensured thanks to professional alarm and security systems from Securiton. Here, state-of-the-art solutions are combined with decades of experience in the field.

The new campus at the École hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL) will offer up to 3,200 places for students in future – an increase on the just under 2,400 places on offer up to now. The goal of the new campus – featuring three residential units for 860 students, a double sports hall, restaurant with 450 spaces, bar, open kitchens and much more – is to ensure the excellent global reputation of the institution is maintained in future. The school management has placed its trust in the expertise and experience of Securiton. Following the successful installation of thousands of systems, Securiton is the ideal partner for EHL when it comes to integrating multiple security components in the school’s overall security concept.

Demanding security solutions

The highly available SecuriEye Expert video surveillance system installed at the new EHL campus consists of several hundred high-resolution cameras and intelligent IPS VideoManager technology from Securiton. In the event of an alarm, human uncertainties can be dealt with using pre-configured display scenarios. As part of the construction project, Securiton also uses the modern SecuriSafe intrusion alarm system and a high-performance emergency call concept with clearly identifiable SOS terminals, which have been seamlessly integrated across the campus. The security package is rounded off by reliable access control in the form of intercoms.


École hôtelière de Lausanne | (2 MB)
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Securiton AG
Alarm and Security Systems

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Alpenstrasse 20
CH-3052 Zollikofen

E-Mail: info@securiton.ch

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+41 58 910 50 50