Cyber security:
Effective protection against cyber attacks.
Professional security in the physical and virtual worlds
The benefits of cyber security
- Intelligent security technology and cyber security from a single source
- Comprehensive approach over the entire life cycle of your alarm and security system
- Mature concept based on standards and best practices
- Products and services adapted to individual requirements
- Expert advice and support
Personal and professional.
Let our experts advise you.
Cyber security: Security by design from start to finish.
As in other areas, networking your alarm and security system offers convenience and ease of use, but it also harbours a risk. Virtual threats to your system can range from malware to phishing and ransomware. Cyber protection is needed to protect your hardware, software and data, and to ensure the smooth functioning of your systems. To ensure that your alarm and security system is always effectively protected in the physical as well as the virtual worlds, we offer three cyber security packages fully tailored to your needs.
Our cyber security services are fully tailored to your requirements. For your ease of mind, we have defined three security packages.
Our alarm and security systems come with the “Bronze” cyber security package as standard.
You receive this basic protection when your system is commissioned.
Our “Silver” cyber security package offers extended protection for enhanced security needs.
Building on the “Bronze” package, we also take care of maintaining your alarm and security system, including updates and upgrades of applications, operating systems and firmware, plus system component restarts. With this all-round protection, you are conveniently protected and your system is optimally protected against virtual threats.
The “Gold” cyber security package builds on the “Silver” package and addresses your individual security needs.
We guarantee you the highest security standards, which must be taken into account especially for critical alarm and security systems. We advise you from the word go and create a security concept that is tailored to you.